Books Online Free Zoo (Zoo #1) Download

List Based On Books Zoo (Zoo #1)

Title:Zoo (Zoo #1)
Author:James Patterson
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 395 pages
Published:September 3rd 2012 by Century
Categories:Fiction. Thriller. Science Fiction. Mystery
Books Online Free Zoo (Zoo #1) Download
Zoo (Zoo #1) Hardcover | Pages: 395 pages
Rating: 3.47 | 38686 Users | 5054 Reviews

Explanation As Books Zoo (Zoo #1)


Once in a lifetime, a writer puts it all together. This is James Patterson's best book ever.

For 36 years, James Patterson has written unputdownable, pulse-racing novels. Now, he has written a book that surpasses all of them. ZOO is the thriller he was born to write.

All over the world, brutal attacks are crippling entire cities. Jackson Oz, a young biologist, watches the escalating events with an increasing sense of dread. When he witnesses a coordinated lion ambush in Africa, the enormity of the violence to come becomes terrifyingly clear.

With the help of ecologist Chloe Tousignant, Oz races to warn world leaders before it's too late. The attacks are growing in ferocity, cunning, and planning, and soon there will be no place left for humans to hide. With wildly inventive imagination and white-knuckle suspense that rivals Stephen King at his very best, James Patterson's ZOO is an epic, non-stop thrill-ride from "One of the best of the best." (TIME)

Be Specific About Books Supposing Zoo (Zoo #1)

Original Title: Zoo
ISBN: 1846058295 (ISBN13: 9781846058295)
Edition Language: English
Series: Zoo #1
Characters: Jackson Oz, Chloe Tousignant

Rating Based On Books Zoo (Zoo #1)
Ratings: 3.47 From 38686 Users | 5054 Reviews

Commentary Based On Books Zoo (Zoo #1)
This is a book I've had on my Kindle Fire for at least a year (probably two), but I just never got around to starting it. When I heard that it will be the basis for a new 13-episode TV series beginning June 30 on CBS, though, I decided to give it a go. First, I looked at the book reviews; to my dismay, as of late April there were 1,903 at Amazon, and an astounding 413 reviewers gave it the worst possible rating - one star - and the average is only three. Well, that's TV executives for you, I

Let me start off by saying that the premise of "Zoo" sounds like a very promising story. It's a techno-thriller set in the present day and explores a mystery illness suddenly spreading around the world that is causing all sorts of mammals to inexplicably attack humans on sight (and smell). From domesticated pets to wild animals, we've suddenly become nature's favorite snack.In reality, this book should probably be named, "50 Shades of Prey." The writing style leaves quite a bit to be desired.

I started this story because I was interested in watching the TV series based on this book. I'm not so sure I want to watch it anymore though. I'm usually a huge fan of James Patterson, and for the majority of this book, I was really loving the story line. Then we hit the actual science behind why animals were suddenly attacking humans, and I think I may have literally rolled my eyes. I wonder if Patterson actually did any real research before writing this book. Yes, the book kept me interested.

Jackson Oz, biologist and Chloe Tousignant, ecologist have banded together to work on the world wide problem of multiple attacks by animals big or small, they all seemed to be banding together to kill humans. Oz first met Chloe in Africa when he witnessed a group of male lions rampaging and killing. He was lucky to escape with his life, and also managed to rescue Chloe. The phenomenon of the packs all being male was not lost on Oz and Chloe but would they be able to make the powers that be

I have to admit that I am like every other James Patterson fan, I see his name as author of a book and I have to read it; but, haven't you wondered how much of these books with co-authors are actually written by him? Since the style of this book is identical to the Michael Bennett books co-authored by Michael Ledwidge, and so dissimilar to the style of other Patterson books, let's finally give credit where credit is due... Ledwidge is brilliant! After all, who else knows how to slip just the

WOW. I wonder, as I read reviews of this book, what the heck are people expecting from books nowadays? Did this book make my heart race? YES. Did this book keep my interest? YES. Did this book keep me up at night? YES. Did this book make me look behind me for animals? YES. Did this book make me think - is this so far off in the future? YES. So really, I have to wonder what are people interested in? This book gets a 4-1/2 from me only because it lost some of it's momentum 3/4 the way in... but

I picked this book up, not because I had even the smallest expectation of enjoying it, but because I kept seeing copies of it at the airport when I was on my way to the annual Association of Zoos and Aquariums conference, and I was curious. I was shy a book to read on the plane, and the first 24 or so chapters were free on my Kindle. (This isn't quite as impressive as it sounds, given that the chapters run about 1,000 words each.) Plus, I reasoned, even if it was awful, it'd be interesting to


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