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Define Of Books Hidden Empire (Empire #2)

Title:Hidden Empire (Empire #2)
Author:Orson Scott Card
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 336 pages
Published:December 22nd 2009 by Tor Books (first published October 21st 2009)
Categories:Science Fiction. Fiction. Thriller
Free Hidden Empire (Empire #2) Download Books Online
Hidden Empire (Empire #2) Hardcover | Pages: 336 pages
Rating: 3.64 | 3409 Users | 322 Reviews

Description In Favor Of Books Hidden Empire (Empire #2)

The war of words between right and left collapsed into a shooting war, and raged between the high-technology weapons on each side, devastating cities and overrunning the countryside.

At the close of Empire, political scientist and government adviser Averell Torrent had maneuvered himself into the presidency of the United States. And now that he has complete power at home, he plans to expand American imperial power around the world.

Opportunity comes quickly. There's a deadly new plague in Africa, and it is devastating the countryside and cities. President Torrent declares American solidarity with the victims, but places all of Africa in quarantine until a vaccine is found or the disease burns itself out. And he sends Captain Bartholomew Coleman, Cole to his friends, to run the relief operations and protect the American scientists working on identifying the virus. If Cole and his team can avoid dying of the plague, or being cut down by the weapons of fearful African nations, they might do some good. Or they might be out of the way for good.

Declare Books As Hidden Empire (Empire #2)

Original Title: Hidden Empire
ISBN: 0765320045 (ISBN13: 9780765320049)
Edition Language: English
Series: Empire #2
Setting: Nigeria United States of America

Rating Of Books Hidden Empire (Empire #2)
Ratings: 3.64 From 3409 Users | 322 Reviews

Appraise Of Books Hidden Empire (Empire #2)
I'd nearly forgotten the first book in this series by the time I picked this up, so I had to learn about President Averell Torrent all over again here. And, while Torrent isn't present for a lot of the action, it is his desire to turn America into an Empire that drives much of what happens. What gives him the opportunity is the outbreak of a new virus in Africa, which threatens to become a worldwide pandemic. How he and others react to that forms the core of the story. I enjoyed the book because

This was a good book, though whoever wrote the blurb on the inside flap didn't do their job well. Some of the conflict that they wrote about never actually happened.

This book actually made me cry, and I honestly cannot remember the last book that managed that feat. :} It's about a lot more than politics, cool futuristic military tech, or conspiracy theory: it's about whether or not Christianity actually means something more than Mass on Sunday and a few prayers during the week if you feel you need them. It asks disturbing questions about what you'll risk for your faith. Ridicule? Family relationships? Your very life? And, of course, the characters are

So basically, my overall feelings about the book were pretty good. I liked the action and the futuristic setting of an end times era was quite interesting. Basically what happened was there was a disease outbreak in Africa which was passed on from monkeys to humans, 1/3 of everyone who caught in died. The U.S. government then sent troops to quarantine the disease from getting out of Africa and many U.S. citizens boarded planes to help the sick and suffering through their disease. Though 1 thing

For me, Hidden Empire was to Empire much as Speaker of the Dead was to Ender's Game. Hidden Empire continued to develop the plot and the characters of Empire but was really memorable for it's introduction of a more human element, less kick butt action and more philosophy of the human condition. That being said, there is still plenty of action and drama, just more tear jerking to go along with it. We were left at the end of Empire with a more or less happy ending, foreboding but tidy. In Hidden

See the rest of my review hereI wanted to like this book. I really did. The premise interested me. I was in the mood for outbreaks and deadly viruses. The world handling a crisis. It was even a timely read with this current Ebola crisis, but man was this heavy on the politics. If you are a right-winged, Christian who loves Fox News and don't believe in Global Warming, you'll like this a lot. If you like military jargon and vague action scenes, you'll love this novel. If you enjoy a lot of


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